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Yeast infection cures

Yeast infection cures

Every woman has faced the situation where she has had yeast infection one or more times. It is characterized by itching, irritation and discharge in the vaginal areas. Symptoms and causes There are hundreds of kinds of bacteria and yeast in the vagina, but only when the balance is disrupted do you end up getting an infection.
Get rid of yellow nails with these home remedies

Get rid of yellow nails with these home remedies

When the nails become stained with yellow tinges, it looks very unappealing particularly when you allow your nails to breathe in between polishing sessions. Fortunately, treating as well as preventing the yellow stains on finger and toenails is quite easy. All it requires are a few easily available items and sensible caring of the nails.
Ways to take care of your nails

Ways to take care of your nails

It is essential to keep your nails healthy. Even a cut in the cuticle can lead to infections. Without a healthy diet, ridges can appear on your nails. Poor hygiene can lead to discolored nails. However, good nail care isn’t time-consuming and doesn’t cost too much. Consider these simple tips to protect your nails and keep them healthy.
Tips on buying a trampoline

Tips on buying a trampoline

Are you planning to buy a trampoline? Great! A trampoline is not just fun but is also a great machine for health purposes. However, before you buy a trampoline to begin to enjoy all that jumping fun, you need to know about features and aspects and tips on how to go about buying a trampoline.
How to take care of your kitchen cabinet?

How to take care of your kitchen cabinet?

Have you recently installed new kitchen cabinets? Wondering how to take care of them? If yes, then don’t worry, here are a few suggestions which will help in prolonging the life of your new kitchen cabinets. Gentle cleaning You can use a cotton cloth dampened with warm water and wipe the cabinet clean.
5 effective treatments for atopic dermatitis

5 effective treatments for atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is a kind of inflammation, which results in redness, itching, cracking and swelling of the skin. This is seen in adults but more commonly in children. This condition usually starts in childhood and its severity increases with age. Often, the rashes may ooze and thicken over time. Even though this is an incurable disease, atopic dermatitis treatment options can help to relieve various symptoms such as severe itching, skin inflammation, skin infection, and scaly lesions.
Here are the latest treatments for body hair removal

Here are the latest treatments for body hair removal

It is summer time, and you have got all your spaghetti tops and shorts out. But before you can slip into some of your summer outfits, you need to take care of your body hair. For most young girls and women alike, body hair removal is one of the most painful beauty routines.
Know why you are sweating excessively

Know why you are sweating excessively

Does a simple workout leave you profusely sweating? Do you have to start looking for a handkerchief to wipe your palms before a handshake? You may find this quite embarrassing or even annoying but did you ever think that your excessive sweating can be a sign of a medical condition?
Understanding the various types of arthritis

Understanding the various types of arthritis

Arthritis is a health condition that has several forms, which is why it can be quite confusing to comprehend it. The common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, fibromyalgia, and gout. The following article attempts to provide a brief understanding of each of these types. Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is considered to be a central pain syndrome and is not an autoimmune disease.
Five lifestyle changes to ease the symptoms of fibromyalgia

Five lifestyle changes to ease the symptoms of fibromyalgia

There is, unfortunately, no cure for fibromyalgia yet. Fibromyalgia symptoms might occur frequently and could sometimes even be permanent. But the good news is some lifestyle changes can ease fibromyalgia symptoms to a great extent. Here is a list which can help you in coping with fibromyalgia symptoms. Eat a nutritious and balanced diet Take care to include a balanced diet in your lifestyle.
Preventive care for dealing with gout foot pain

Preventive care for dealing with gout foot pain

Gout can be an excruciating form of health condition. Learning how to keep it under control and getting pain relief for gout will help patients lead a normal life. One thing to remember is that gout pain can recur and hence, preventive care is of primary importance while managing this condition. Preventing recurring gout attacks Preventive care is unquestionably significant in case of gout foot pain.
3 treatments available for rheumatoid arthritis

3 treatments available for rheumatoid arthritis

No one likes to remain in a state where their body is not able to function properly. Severe pain in the joints and entire muscles of your body along with inflammation in the joints can make you feel like your body is not capable of performing simple tasks regularly. Rheumatoid arthritis is one such disease in which the patient’s immune system rather than attacking bacteria and viruses, attacks the healthy joints of the body.